All relationships have their highs and lows; but sometimes…

All relationships have their highs and lows; but sometimes the lows can become the norm. Doing nothing, for the sake of a perceived ‘peaceful’ atmosphere in the home, can seem like the best option, even when it expands into years and years. Resentment builds up, attitudes harden. Doing something, however small, … is a scary prospect! If you choose the route of counselling, the last thing you need is the extra worry of what your counsellor will be like. With Johnathan, you get a personable, friendly guy who is easy to talk to. He won’t be sitting silently in a corner with a frown on his face, taking copious notes and ticking boxes. Tell him whatever you like, you won’t shock him. He has all the qualifications and the life experience, but he also cares about what happens to people and is passionate about his work. If, like me, you reach a stage in your relationship where you feel you are at a fork in the road and have to decide whether to ‘stay or go’, try taking another path altogether. You got together for a reason, and John can help you remember it. Regards.

All relationships have their highs and lows; but sometimes...