What about confidentiality, is it true that counselling is completely private and nothing can be revealed outside of the counselling room?
Anything you might say or discuss during a counselling session remains completely private and confidential but for two exceptions:
1) Therapist/Client privilege no longer applies in cases where the counsellor is made aware of activities or behaviour that is placing third parties directly at risk. For example, if a client revealed to me that they like to go out at night and start small fires, I would be forced to take some action with regards to that information in order to prevent damage to life and property. Even in the event of such a rare and extreme example however, my very firm policy is to never discuss anything outside of the counselling relationship without your full knowledge and understanding. The only time a counsellor is required to disclose personal information about a client without their knowledge or consent is where a client reveals that they are involved in drug money laundering, or planning a terrorist attack.
2) In accordance with the ethical framework of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy of which I am an accredited member, I have a supervisor with whom I discuss my overall client base with from time to time. These supervisory meetings are designed to ensure that my quality of practice is at the highest level possible level and that I am at all times working in your best interest. They are not a platform for discussing personal client identities or details; however some basic overview information about the types of client difficulties I work with might be discussed.