Addictions/Compulsive Behaviours
Addictions and compulsions such as alcohol dependence can be devastating. Not only for those caught in a painful cycle of behaviour that they can’t control, but for family and loved ones as well. It can be difficult for everybody, including the affected individual, to understand why certain behaviours are repeated again and again – regardless of how hard they try not to. Making matters worse is the fact that is almost impossible to explain to loved ones that these difficulties don’t respond to logic, or that well-meaning appeals to a sufferer’s sense of moral responsibility make absolutely no difference. Often, a time comes when even the most understanding and accepting of partner or family member becomes frustrated, angry, or just generally loses patience with a sufferer’s apparent inability to move forward or break these cycles. Counselling with an independent professional who has experience in issues such as alcohol dependence or other compulsions provides the opportunity to understand and change these behaviours in a safe, non-judgmental manner.
I have been working in the field of Alcohol and addictions counselling since 1986 and can provide compassion and understanding that can help you find a way out of these destructive cycles. We will first take the time to talk through your experiences and difficulties without setting any sort of time scales, pressures or expectations of what you have to talk about at any given time. Even more importantly, all of our discussions will be without any sort of moral pressures about the “right” or “wrong” way of being you. Being able to discuss these things without having to worry about being judged in any way will allow us to get to a place where we can jointly understand your relationship with alcohol, chemicals or other compulsions (such as compulsive touching, self-harming or an obsession with numbers), and how these came be problematic in the first place. This is the first step towards freedom from them. From there we will work together to find specific, practical tools to enable you to live life in the way you wish to, free of the constraints these behaviours often impose.
Counselling can be done with an individual alone, or in conjunction with relationship and family counselling. Regarding chemical addictions, some people may require medical attention and detoxification, though this is by no means necessary in all cases. In addition, for behaviours of an addictive nature I am very sympathetic to the work done through 12 step fellowships such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous etc… and am happy to work alongside the 12 step program of recovery if you are involved in one. If you would like to ask any questions about how I might be able to help with addictions or compulsions of any nature, I would be more than happy to discuss this with you by telephone prior to making an initial appointment with no obligation to you.